U10 - U10 Turbos

Season Startup Email

Dear U10 Turbos Ringette parents,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 ringette season! I am the U10 head coach this year and Coach Vicky will be coaching with me. I hope you’re all as excited as we are - I can’t wait to see the “Fun” players from last year and to meet all the returning U10 players and any other new teammates.

Player Questionnaire

To get to know everyone before the season starts, I made up a quick little questionnaire for you to go through with your player. Please send it back ASAP; it takes only a couple minutes to do. I’ll compile everything and send it out to the group (ideally next Saturday, Sep 9th). I know some kids can be quite shy, so this will hopefully help break the ice. I’ve included one for my daughter, Evelyn, and one for me as examples.

Our first two ice times:

Sunday, September 10th, 9am @ Hespeler Memorial Arena

Tuesday, September 19th, 6pm @ Karl Homuth

Welcome Letter

Shortly, I’ll send out a document outlining details for the season. Keep an eye out as there will be some important info.


Please consider volunteering this season to help make it an amazing experience for the kids. As they say, many hands make light work! You do NOT have to have any ringette or even volunteer experience in order to make a difference. Take a look below and let me know if you’ll give something a try (additional ideas welcome!):

-          Manager (critical position!)

-          Bench staff (trainer/assistant coach)

-          Parent representative

-          Fundraising (e.g. Bingo volunteer)

-          Photographer (show-off your action shots)

Ringette equipment

There’s a new Facebook Ringette Equipment Swap page, if you’d like to post your old equipment or find some new items. One thing I want to stress is that your child has a proper fitting helmet. I suffered a concussion at my second-ever ringette practice, so it’s something I take quite seriously. This happened to me not because my helmet didn’t fit, but because the face cage was too big. As such, when it was all strapped up, my chin didn’t touch the chin guard. When I hit the ice, my head did a double smack. So, make sure the helmet has all the parts (screws and clips), has the CSA approved logo on the back, AND that the mask fits properly when done up (the chin touches the chin guard). The helmet shouldn’t move around once done up and should be snug.


Alright, that’s all for now! Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing all the questionnaires!

Yours in Ringette,

Coach Heather

(873) 353-4564


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